LP Staking

LP stakers contribute liquidity to the platform and are rewarded in $PONZIE tokens, which are bought back from the market. This system allows LP stakers to earn $PONZIE directly, increasing their share of ownership in the protocol as the platform grows.

The multiplier mechanism works similarly for LP stakers as it does for $PONZIE stakers. The longer you remain in the liquidity pool, the greater your weight in terms of receiving $PONZIE rewards. If you decide to unstake any portion of your liquidity, you’ll also lose the accumulated multiplier on the amount withdrawn, resetting your weight based on the remaining staked balance.

Weight and Multiplier System:

  • Staking Growth: The weight of your stake increases linearly over time, and while the term β€œdouble” is used for simplicity, the growth happens at a steady rate. For instance, by day 120, your original stake may have increased its weight by 5x, but if you unstake any portion, the multiplier resets entirely for that amount.

  • Retaining Multiplier: If you add more tokens to your stake without unstaking, the extra weight you have accrued remains intact, giving users flexibility to grow their stake over time without penalty.

  • Unstaking Penalty: Any portion unstaked results in a loss of the multiplier for that amount, creating a powerful incentive to stay staked and maximize future rewards.

Last updated